工 程 案 例 Project Cases
堯舜新能源擁有專業團隊 為客戶解決所有工程難題
Shawn&Godwyn Energy has a professional team to solve all engineering problems for customers
本公司忠旨於推行環保新能源,太陽能是本公司最主力推行之計劃。此外,公司亦同樣推行電動車環保充電。為廣泛推行公司理念,大型公司的合作如領展項目、各大型及小型公司以及小型項目如 住宅、村屋等…
Our company is committed to promoting environmentally friendly new energy, and solar energy is our most important project. In addition, the company has also promoted environmentally friendly charging of electric vehicles. In order to widely implement the company’s philosophy, we cooperate with large companies such as Link Projects, various large and small companies, and small projects such as residential buildings, village houses, etc…
由 2008 年起,公司由村屋住宅發展至工廈至到更大型項目,口碑及專業亦直線上升。期望將來能繼續到各大型或小型項目合作。
Since 2008, the company has developed from village houses to industrial buildings to larger-scale projects, and its reputation and professionalism have also increased sharply. We hope to continue to cooperate on various large and small projects in the future.
太陽能工程 Solar Energy Project
EV充電工程 EV Charging Project